Design and Application of Internet exchange Symposium
27th November, CITIC Telecom and ChinaCache joinly held “Internet exchanges Design and Application Symposium” in Hong Kong. Representatives of AMS-IX (Amsterdam Internet Exchange), Google, Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Beijing Internet Association, CAICT, Chinacache and CITIC Telecom International to attend.
In the seminar, they share the operation of Europe’s largest Internet Exchange Centre, AMS-IX’s, Google introduced to enhance the customer experience and reduce network costs experience through using Internet, Chinacache introduced first Internet exchange centre in China, CHN-IX which developed by their developers.
Dr. Lin Zhen Hui, Executive Director of CITIC Telecom International Ltd., CITIC Telecom International and Chinaache jointly organized the seminar, designed to work with industry to discuss the Internet exchange center model, and create a better environment for Internet development in China.
CITIC Telecom International Holdings currently operates the Hong Kong Internet Exchange HKIX 2 and data center, cloud computing and other services, which are available on the market in Hong Kong on Hong Kong Island and Kowloon rare Different sources of supply dual data center services.